As well, don't listen my interface existence colored strangely, information technology'south because I customized it. Then yous open the workbench yet again, and select an item called a 'cube'.
There is a few buttons after you press information technology, then just cull the one that looks like a player. The first thing you want to do is get out a human character from the workbench/crafting table logo at the tiptop-left corner. Non some lame facial Steve rigs, but a human with armor or some kind. So the first thing we want to brand is a human rig. Of form, rigging in Mine-imator is VERY unlike from other 3D modeling programs because there is no advanced rigging with a rigging tool we call 'basic', and some of you may know that. Lots of people in a certain group I'm in asked for this, then here it is! Tutorial on how to rig with Mine-imator.